Travel Log

Riding Solo

Riding Solo

Riding Solo

We woke up around 7, went down to have breakfast, and then returned to the room to prepare and pack. The place was Weston, WV and the theme was camaraderie.

Later we loaded the bikes, joked a bit more, chatted, laughed, and eventually rode through the parking lot towards the street.

The 3 of us turn left on 48 towards I79. They took the ramp north. We wave. I took the ramp south. It was goodbye.

I did not think much about it at that point, well… except that they were not supposed to take I79 north but 48 east, but they realized that eventually. In my head was making enough miles today to average my goal of 300 a day and compensate for the less we have done the previous day as we rode together.

I made an effort to not think about anything but the road.

I rode Southwest towards Kentucky.

This time I was riding solo.

Published by Martin Posse